We had not expected to be able to go on a hike today since news of Hurricane Nicole’s impending arrival in our region was all over the Web. When we checked the weather this morning, the now-downgraded tropical storm was still over 500 nautical miles from the coast of the island. Despite the rain, we decided to give it a go.
We assembled our heavy weather gear and left the girls in their fleece pyjamas (which Séb thought would be good as base layers), plunked them in their car seats and made our way south. Although we were planning on doing a section in Renews, we decided to stop at Cape Broyle given the strength and direction of the wind.
Stuffed into their rain suits, the girls were both happy to be out hiking. Séb put Évangéline in the carrier and carried Amélie up to the stream at Beachy Cove, where we figured would be a great spot to start the hike.
We didn’t want to venture too far in, since we’d never put Évangéline in her rain suit before (how many layers should she be wearing? Will she be too cold with three? Or will she be too warm since the rain suit isn’t breathable? Will she tell us if she’s too hot? Or too cold?
Évangéline never made a peep to say she was uncomfortable.
But from checking her periodically, it’s obvious that she initially was too warm (so we loosened the collar on her suit to allow it to breathe), but then she got too cold (so up went the collar again!).
Séb hadn’t thought about the sweat. The girls’ rain suits are completely waterproof, and fleece (the base layer) doesn’t wick sweat. The moisture that formed inside the suit is probably what made her cold. So an important lesson was learned: Although polar fleece is nice and warm, it’s complete garbage as a base layer. We’re going to invest in merino shirts for the girls.
Amélie raced back to the trailhead and made record time. As Amélie hiked, Évangéline happily munched away on blackberries and blueberries. We got to the Riverside Restaurant in much shorter order than expected. As we shared a burger and a big Irish breakfast (which was exactly that), we met the family at the table next to us. Visitors from LaScie currently in the area for their son’s softball tournament, they very kindly drove to Southside Road to pick up our car for us so we wouldn’t have to walk against the wind & rain (thank you!!!).
- DAY 1: 0.15km (Our house to Alder Hill)
- DAY 2: 1km (Alder Hill to Bears Cove Inn)
- DAY 3: 1.65km (Bears Cove Inn to Tobin Memorial)
- DAY 4: 1.5km (Tobin Memorial to Otter Cove)
- DAY 5: 1km (Otter Cove to Upper Red Cove)
- DAY 6: 0.6km (Upper Red Cove to South Head)
- DAY 7: 4km (South Head to Bay Bulls Trailhead)
- DAY 8: 3km (Bay Bulls Trailhead to Captain Wayne’s Excursions)
- DAY 9: 5.8km (Captain Wayne’s Excursions to the Bull Head Light)
- DAY 10: 7.2km (Fort Amherst to The Battery)
- DAY 11: 1.3km (Our house to Harrigan’s Grocery & Convenience)
- DAY 12: 3.5km (Harrigan’s Convenience to Camel Cove Beach)
- DAY 13: 1.8km (Mobile Beach to Herring Cove)
- DAY 14: 500m (Deadman’s Bay Trailhead to Lookout Point)
- DAY 15: 4km (Herring Cove to Camel Cove Beach)
- DAY 16: 2.5km (Mobile Beach to Cape Canine)
- DAY 17: 3.3km (Cape Canine to The Cribbies)
- DAY 18: 2.9km (The Cribbies to Burnt Cove Beach)
- DAY 19: 800m (LaManche Bridge to Herring Cove Point)
- DAY 20: 1km (Riverside Restaurant to the Cape Broyle Wharf)
- DAY 21: 2.7km (Bauline East Wharf to LaManche Bridge)
- DAY 22: 3.1km (The Battery to The Quidi Vidi Village Plantation)
- DAY 23: 1.5km (Quidi Vidi Village to Bawden’s Highlands)
- DAY 24: 4km (Cape Broyle Wharf to Pagoda Projects)
- DAY 25: 2km (Burnt Cove Beach to Bauline East Wharf)
- DAY 26: 5.4km (Cappahayden to Island Meadow)
- DAY 27: 800m (Blackhead village to Bull Cove)
- DAY 28: 3.5km (Brigus South to Hares Ears)
- DAY 29: 1.5km (Chafe’s Landing to Big Hill)
- DAY 30: 2km (Island Meadows Path Trailhead to Renews Bridge)
- DAY 31: 1.8km (Chafe’s Landing to Cape Spear Path trailhead)
- DAY 32: 2.5km (Flamber Head Trailhead to Hares Ears Point)
- DAY 33: 4.3km (Hares Ears Point to Admirald’s Cove trailhead)
- DAY 34: 4km (Calvert Plant to Castle Hill)
- DAY 35: 4.7km (Renews trailhead to Island Meadow)
- DAY 36: 2.2km (Torbay’s Little Beach to Little Gallows Cove)
- DAY 37: 2.5km (Beachy Cove to Cape Broyle’s Riverside Restaurant)
- Amélie’s total progress: 95.5km/316km
- Distance walked by the adults today: 4km
- Total distance walked by the adults: 182.2km
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