Leaving the house, we explain the Rule of the Hike to Amélie again. She’s puzzled about why Séb picks her up at the trailhead, but she happily grabs on to his neck and enjoys being carried up to the Tobin memorial.
This part of the trail is soggy at many points – there’s still bits of snow on the ground in many parts of the trail, after all – and Séb and Amélie both get one of their feet wet walking in a spot that didn’t look as bad as it really was. Amélie doesn’t seem to mind, but the little faux-pas means that we won’t be able to stay on the trail very long today.
We get to Otter Cove, where we unpack the little snack we’d brought along – crackers, dates, nuts, and Fruit-to-go. We’re both impressed by how well our little hiker is doing, and realize the importance of having a “special” snacks during these hikes as a reward for her efforts.
- 0.150km (Our house to Alder Hill)
- 1km (Alder Hill to Bears Cove Inn)
- 1.65km (Bears Cove Inn to Tobin Memorial)
- TODAY: 1.5km (Tobin Memorial to Otter Cove)
- Amélie’s total progress: 4.3km/316km
- Distance walked by the adults today: 3km
- Total distance walked by adults: 8.6km
- Total time invested today: 1.5 hourS (includes prep, driving/walking to hike’s starting point, total time on the trail, and the drive/walk back home).
- Total time invested in the effort: 5.25 hours