Amélie Hikes the East Coast Trail – DAY 41

CALVERT WHARF TO LANCE COVE It’s been raining and drizzling all morning, but since it’s so nice and warm out – about 20 degrees – we decided it was too nice an opportunity to miss. Getting out of the car, we zipped the girls into their rain suits (with better base layers this time), and started our hike. Read more about Amélie Hikes the East Coast Trail – DAY 41[…]

Amélie hikes the East Coast Trail – DAY 34

CALVERT WHARF TO CASTLE HILL Since we had a few hours to kill this afternoon, we decided to do a bit of the community link between the Cape Broyle Head Path and the Caplin Bay Path. Lucky for us, two fellow gammybirds (people from Witless Bay) were also sightseeing in Calvert, so we got a ride Read more about Amélie hikes the East Coast Trail – DAY 34[…]