A while back, CBC/Radio-Canada’s Philippe Grenier got in touch with us to ask a few questions about Amélie’s ECT thru-hike project. He asked to do a segment on it for the news, and we happily accepted. After a few email conversations, we decided to meet him at Petty Harbour on the occasion of Amélie’s 100th kilometre.
So today’s the day – the BIG 100!
Triple digits!
Given the fact that the point of the day’s hike was simply to get to the 100-kilometre mark, we knew it would be an easy day in terms of the hike – Amélie only needed to hike 1100 metres, on mostly easy terrain. The bigger challenge was actually in getting Amélie to slow down at the right spots so that the journalist could capture her hike. Another challenge was for her to be less excitable during her interview, since she got so excited that she was just giving half-word answers instead of the full sentences she normally speaks in.
Thankfully, Philippe was very patient (he was very understanding, since his two daughters are pretty close in age with ours).
Back at the trailhead, Amélie gave Philippe a high five and a hug, and we made our way to Bidgoods to buy a celebratory cake. The text on the cake turned quite a few heads. Seeing the cake, one lady enquired,
“Who’s turning a hundred?”
The lady was visibly perplexed with the response she got.
“Your three-year old walked a hundred kilometres? On the East Coast Trail???”
“A hundred kilometres.”
“Yes. But she didn’t do it in one day. It took 40 days.”
“Wow. Well, I know what we’ll be talking about this evening at dinner!”
- DAY 1: 0.15km (Our house to Alder Hill)
- DAY 2: 1km (Alder Hill to Bears Cove Inn)
- DAY 3: 1.65km (Bears Cove Inn to Tobin Memorial)
- DAY 4: 1.5km (Tobin Memorial to Otter Cove)
- DAY 5: 1km (Otter Cove to Upper Red Cove)
- DAY 6: 0.6km (Upper Red Cove to South Head)
- DAY 7: 4km (South Head to Bay Bulls Trailhead)
- DAY 8: 3km (Bay Bulls Trailhead to Captain Wayne’s Excursions)
- DAY 9: 5.8km (Captain Wayne’s Excursions to the Bull Head Light)
- DAY 10: 7.2km (Fort Amherst to The Battery)
- DAY 11: 1.3km (Our house to Harrigan’s Grocery & Convenience)
- DAY 12: 3.5km (Harrigan’s Convenience to Camel Cove Beach)
- DAY 13: 1.8km (Mobile Beach to Herring Cove)
- DAY 14: 500m (Deadman’s Bay Trailhead to Lookout Point)
- DAY 15: 4km (Herring Cove to Camel Cove Beach)
- DAY 16: 2.5km (Mobile Beach to Cape Canine)
- DAY 17: 3.3km (Cape Canine to The Cribbies)
- DAY 18: 2.9km (The Cribbies to Burnt Cove Beach)
- DAY 19: 800m (LaManche Bridge to Herring Cove Point)
- DAY 20: 1km (Riverside Restaurant to the Cape Broyle Wharf)
- DAY 21: 2.7km (Bauline East Wharf to LaManche Bridge)
- DAY 22: 3.1km (The Battery to The Quidi Vidi Village Plantation)
- DAY 23: 1.5km (Quidi Vidi Village to Bawden’s Highlands)
- DAY 24: 4km (Cape Broyle Wharf to Pagoda Projects)
- DAY 25: 2km (Burnt Cove Beach to Bauline East Wharf)
- DAY 26: 5.4km (Cappahayden to Island Meadow)
- DAY 27: 800m (Blackhead village to Bull Cove)
- DAY 28: 3.5km (Brigus South to Hares Ears)
- DAY 29: 1.5km (Chafe’s Landing to Big Hill)
- DAY 30: 2km (Island Meadows Path Trailhead to Renews Bridge)
- DAY 31: 1.8km (Chafe’s Landing to Cape Spear Path trailhead)
- DAY 32: 2.5km (Flamber Head Trailhead to Hares Ears Point)
- DAY 33: 4.3km (Hares Ears Point to Admirald’s Cove trailhead)
- DAY 34: 4km (Calvert Plant to Castle Hill)
- DAY 35: 4.7km (Renews trailhead to Island Meadow)
- DAY 36: 2.2km (Torbay’s Little Beach to Little Gallows Cove)
- DAY 37: 2.5km (Beachy Cove to Cape Broyle’s Riverside Restaurant)
- DAY 38: 3km (Renews Bridge to Ship’s Bottom)
- DAY 39: 0.4km (Lookout Point to Flowers Point)
- DAY 40: 1.1km (Petty Harbour’s Big Hill to Fortune Cove)
- Amélie’s total progress: 100km!!!/316km
- Distance walked by the adults today: 2.2km
- Total distance walked by the adults: 191.4km
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